I first started at Ecology by Design back in April 2020, following the completion of my Masters at the University of Reading. I had heard great things about the company through the grapevine and was very excited to start my first official job in ecology.
How the latest bat survey guidelines benefit both developers and conservation
In late 2023, the Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) released updated industry standard guidelines for bat surveys; the 4th edition of the ‘Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists Good Practice Guidelines’. Among the updates was an overhaul of the methodology for identifying bat activity levels on sites.
Creating and Maintaining a High-performing Ecology Team
We're delighted to share our article "Creating and Maintaining a High-performing Ecology Team" featured in this December's issue of "In Practice" magazine, CIEEM's (Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management) highly regarded membership publication.
BNG from a planning perspective – what you really need to know
We are now 9 months on from the introduction of mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), which requires all developments to demonstrate a minimum 10% net gain for biodiversity.
So how have local planning authorities learned and adapted over this period and what are the ecology requirements to support BNG applications?
Wintering Bird Survey – when will you need one?
Wintering bird surveys, sometimes known as non-breeding bird surveys, are an important part of assessing the ecological impact of a proposed development, where legal protections and conservation requirements are in place. Several factors influence the need for such surveys:
Understanding the Mitigation Hierarchy for Planners
One of the ways in which planning authorities can ensure developers are doing the best they can for biodiversity is by examining their understanding of the Mitigation Hierarchy. Described by CIEEM (the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management) as “the cornerstone of achieving BNG”, the hierarchy is a linear process; a sequential set of steps from best scenario to worst scenario, namely (1) Avoid, (2) Minimise, (3) Compensate, (4) Enhance.
Wind Farms: Site selection best practice guidance
The new UK government is shining a more positive light on construction of on shore wind farms, but the potential impacts on wildlife (particularly bats and birds) can be negative if wind farms are created in unsuitable locations.
Can solar farms be good for biodiversity?
As our urgency for cleaner, renewable energy becomes ever more significant, solar farms are becoming an everyday sight across Britain. Rows of dark, shiny panels harvesting sunlight are also proving a popular choice for landowners looking for alternative income streams.
Botany Assessments
During Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEAs), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys and Habitat Classification (UKHab) surveys we identify the plant species and diversity present to determine the baseline ecological value of sites. This is all the more necessary now that statutory biodiversity metrics are required for most planning applications.
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects and Biodiversity Net Gain
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) what they are and Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) requirements
My Name is Ross and I am an Ecologist
I joined Ecology by Design just over a year ago as a seasonal ecologist and I am now working as a full-time assistant ecologist.
Even if you are familiar with the world of ecology, it is often riddled with opaque jargon and an abundance of acronyms. Here we define and de-mystify the lingo so you can also make sense of these terms!
Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) – what you need to know
Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a viral infection spread by tick bites. Ticks infected with the virus are found in parts of Europe including the UK and Asia. In England, the risk of getting it is very low however infected ticks have been identified in Thetford Forest, Hampshire/Dorset border, New Forest, and New Yorkshire Moors. Currently the UK health authorities do not have recommendations for vaccination of the local population.
Biodiversity Net Gain - A Guide
On February 12th 2024 it became a legal obligation for all developments in England to demonstrate a 10% net gain in biodiversity.
Biodiversity Net Gain transition period
What is expected of Biodiversity Net Gain in this transition period before secondary legislation in November 2023.
How to undertake a Biodiversity Metric Calculation – the workings of the metric
You may have been advised that a Biodiversity Metric Calculation is required for your planning application, but how do you do it?
A Beginner’s Guide to Biodiversity Offsetting
Read our expert guide on biodiversity offsetting from Ecology by Design. Learn more about the principles of biodiversity offsetting from the experts.
Biodiversity mitigation hierarchy explained
What is the mitigation hierarchy in biodiversity? How is it achieved? Learn about the steps of the mitigation hierarchy process and how to utilise them.
Everything you need to know about biodiversity net gain
Planning policy encourages developers and land managers to leave the biodiversity of the site in a better state than it was before. Historically, this has been assessed using solely professional judgement. Ecology by Design can help you demonstrate biodiversity net gain clearly, transparently and quantitatively using a biodiversity metric.
The most endangered animals in the UK: Updated for 2022
What are the most endangered animals in the UK at the moment? Read this report from licenced ecologists to discover the animals in decline in 2022.