Minerals | Ecology by Design

Hampden House, Monument Park, Chalgrove, Oxon, OX44 7RW tel:01865893346 hello@ecologybydesign.co.uk


At Ecology by Design, we routinely conduct ecological surveys and assessments for developers working in the mineral extraction Industry. If you are considering developing a landscape or project in order to extract minerals, there are legal requirements that you will need to adhere to in order to have your application be successful.

We advise clients on a range of projects in the mineral extraction industry, with our ecologists having vast experience undertaking all required surveys and assessments in order for successful planning applications.


We work closely with our clients through all stages of the planning process. From scoping, to implementation and monitoring, we work hard to understand our clients’ needs and ensure the best outcomes for them.

Our services for clients in the mineral extraction industry include:

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  • Undertaking initial assessments of ecological constraints and opportunities to help support site promotion in local planning policy;

  • Completing all protected species surveys required to support a planning application;

  • Assessing potential impacts on protected sites, including Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), Special Protection Area (SPAs), Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Ramsar Sites;

  • Producing thorough and robust ecological assessments, including ecology chapters in Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs);

  • Liaising closely with other disciplines in support of an EIA, including air quality, transport, noise, hydrology and lighting specialists, among others;

  • Devising and implementing mitigation strategies and securing any licenses required;

  • Preparing detailed management plans to maximise the biodiversity value delivered by restoration works;

  • Advising how to maximise net gain and demonstrating this effectively in a biodiversity metric (i.e., the Defra Metric 2.0);

  • Attending public consultations to support the promotion of a project;

  • Acting as an expert witness at Public Inquiry, including preparing detailed proofs of evidence and working closely with legal teams;

  • Advise on Review of Old Mineral Permissions (ROMP);

  • Undertaking any monitoring work needed to inform management plan revisions and demonstrate compliance; and

  • Discharging management conditions related to ecology.

Our ecological expertise in the mineral extraction industry

Typically, the time taken to secure and implement a consent is long. Therefore, the project team needs to work harmoniously to deliver the long-term strategic aims. We thrive on building long-lasting relationships with our clients and seeing projects through from start to finish.

We see the minerals sector as being key to achieving the government’s vision of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Extracting minerals locally, on a sustainable basis, avoids the additional environmental costs associated with importing materials from elsewhere.

Sites used for mineral extraction are unique among development projects. Minerals can only be worked where they lie, while the impacts arising from the extraction process occur over a long period of time but are ultimately temporary in nature.

Furthermore, minerals sites are often large and are located on greenfield land, which can lead to a wider range of protected species issues arising but can also deliver unparalleled opportunities for ecological restoration.

other sectors we work in

As well as the Mineral Extraction Sector, our team of ecologists also regularly work alongside clients the following industries:

If your project requires ecological expertise across several sectors, then we also provide multidisciplinary and planning support.

If you would like to discuss a project please call our sector lead Laura Grant on 07495 002130.