


Even if you are familiar with the world of ecology, it is often riddled with opaque jargon and an abundance of acronyms. Here we define and de-mystify the lingo so you can also make sense of these terms!

Biodiversity Net Gain - A Guide

Biodiversity Net Gain - A Guide

On February 12th 2024 it became a legal obligation for all developments in England to demonstrate a 10% net gain in biodiversity.

Masters in Species Identification and Survey Skills Placement

Masters in Species Identification and Survey Skills Placement

Megan Stigling is completing her placement with Ecology by Design as part of her MSc in Species Identification and Survey Skills at Reading University. During this time, she hopes to record her experiences by posting a blog once a month.

Coronavirus and the impact on Ecological Consultancies

Coronavirus and the impact on Ecological Consultancies

Coronavirus presents some challenges to our business and our industry as a whole. Some of these impacts will be felt by many disciplines, some are rather unique to us and our clients. this article explores the impact of Covid-19 Corona Virus.

Roman snails are amongst us

Roman snails are amongst us

Roman snails were introduced to England during the roman period and are now a protected species. Europes largest land snail can be surveyed for by professional ecologists such as Ecology by Design.

What is a Reptile Survey? Ecology Survey Guidelines

What is a Reptile Survey? Ecology Survey Guidelines

For any individual who is working on a new development, they will likely need to consider any environmental impact. Reptiles in the UK are protected and may require consideration.

Bat Survey Guidelines - What is a Bat Survey?

Bat Survey Guidelines - What is a Bat Survey?

You may have been asked by the local council, your architect or planner for a bat survey but what does this mean?

Bats, Mats and Automobiles: My first month at Ecology by Design

Bats, Mats and Automobiles: My first month at Ecology by Design

Hi, my name is Joseph and I’m a student studying MSc Species Identification and Survey Skills at the University of Reading. I’m currently on my placement at Ecology by Design and have decided to write a blog to document my progress.

New Water Vole Mitigation Handbook

New Water Vole Mitigation Handbook

New Water Vole Mitigation Handbook published by The Mammal Society provides updated survey and mitigation recommendations for the species when submitting for planning or for other construction activies.

Health and safety for ecologists

Health and safety for ecologists

Health and safety is paramount for us to ensure our team work safely and efficiently. Any gadget that can aid us to this end is invaluable. The SPOT Gen 3 is potentially one such product.