Ecological Scoping Service
Ecological Scoping Surveys from Accredited Ecologists enables clients to:
Discover any ecological issues in good time
Establish vital next steps on a proposed site before purchase
Clarify any necessary projects with consultees & stakeholders
Through ecological scoping, clients can avoid costly and timely setbacks further down the line while working on site. The survey can ensure vital plans or changes can be made early on, in good time.
Whatever your plans may be for the site, ecological scoping can confirm with authorities and relevant parties:
Any areas of concern from an ecological standpoint
The likely impact of a site’s biodiversity
The need for surveys on a seasonal dependant basis
By determining the content and extent of the environmental responsibilities on-site, if any, site development can be approached with due care and consideration.
Clients running development sites are, by law, required to investigate any ecological issues with a site.
Certain laws and litigations can cause issues later on in a project if not identified early on.
Through establishing these key considerations early on in a project, developments can go ahead, working on time to a schedule that has already established environmental concerns.
Ecological scoping differs from a full preliminary ecological appraisal which is aimed at satisfying planning requirements.
Benefits of an Ecological Scoping Survey
Scoping acts as an early warning system.
It focuses on the likely impacts on a site's biodiversity, inter-relationships and sensitivities.
It also identifies any seasonally dependent surveys nice and early, so you can plan them into your work schedule.
You also have to identify the extra investigations that are required by law. Most people hand the task over to the experts, people who are qualified to make sure it's all done properly.
Ecological Scoping is the most basic ecological survey, often commissioned before purchasing a site and designed to deliver a clear picture of any potential ecology-led constraints that might affect your works.
Scoping is a process that determines the content and extent of your environmental responsibilities, however you intend to develop the site. It helps you identify the information you'll need to submit to the authorities.
The scoping process helps you clarify key issues and promotes dialogue with consultees and other stakeholders about vital ecological issues, making sure everyone involved is aware of the likely issues and helping you pin down any extra costs.
Ecology Scoping is important because many a project has run into serious issues thanks to not getting an expert scoping opinion early on.
If you don't arrange formal ecological scoping, the responsibility falls on you to identify the ecological impact of developing a piece of land.
A detailed walkover of your site
A concise report of the field work
The report identifies valuable plants, habitats and protected species recorded, providing a vital snapshot to help you build a basic understanding of the site's ecology.
Scoping surveys address the following questions:
Is any of the site already designated for nature conservation?
Does the proposal affect areas likely to be designated in future, for example Site of Special Scientific Interest?
Are there any existing policies around habitat protection, creation or restoration in the area?
An ecological scoping survey isn't suitable for planning, nor does it inform mitigation design. It's a broad and relatively low cost way to support good decision making when considering a site. If you need a more detailed, robust survey we would recommend a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal .
These surveys can be carried out at any time of year. If you'd like to book an Ecological Scoping report or ask us a question, call us on 01865893346 or get a free quote.