Protected Species Surveys | Ecology by Design

Hampden House, Monument Park, Chalgrove, Oxon, OX44 7RW tel:01865893346


We provide a comprehensive ecological service ranging from simple scoping surveys to detailed impact assessments. Below is a sample of the protected species surveys we offer, please scroll down or contact us for more information.

Badger Survey

Badger surveys initially involve the identification of holes on and around your site. Should badgers be identified holes will classified into sett type and mapped.  Read more....

Bat Survey

Bats surveys are usually formed of two stages initial scoping surveys and detailed phase 2 surveys. Read more....

Bird Survey

Ecology by design can provide a wide range of bird surveys to match your requirements from basic nest searches through to large scale, long term bird surveys for wind farms. Read more....

Hazel Dormouse Survey

Surveys can be undertaken utilising three methods comprising nest boxes, nest tubes and nut searches. Nest box and tube surveys involve placing them out into suitable habitats such as hedgerows or woodland over a series of months. Read more....

Great Crested Newt Survey

Surveys for great crested newts are formed of two stages. The first is an initial assessment of a habitat feature such as a pond and includes a standard assessment called a habitat suitability index. Read more....

Reptile Survey

Reptile surveys involve two techniques; a visual search of a site looking for habitat features, signs of reptiles and a more involved survey using artificial refugia. Surveys are constrained to between April and September when animals are active. Read more....

Otter Survey

Otter surveys can be conducted all year round but can be affected by vegetation growth and the weather. Read more....

Water Vole Survey

Water vole surveys  are constrained to between April and September and involve the assessment or riparian habitats both on and beyond your site extents. Read more.....

Other Species Surveys

Ecology by Design working with its team of specialist associates can offer various other protected or notable species surveys. Read more....


Please call or email us for more information or a free quote: 01865 893346