Ecological Impact Assessment

For any new development site, an impact assessment is needed to evaluate the ecological impact a project may have on the biodiversity of the site. This is called an ecological impact assessment, or EcIA, and they are required by law in order for a development to be approved by local authorities.

EcIAs can greatly increase the chances of planning consent for areas of land where existing habitats and UK protected species are found.

Ecological impact assessment report

Our team of expert ecologists will work with you alongside local authorities to assess your site, provide an impact assessment report of our findings, and increase your chances of planning approval.

An ecological impact assessment report required by law, will be used to establish if any habitats, wildlife or endangered species will be disturbed by your project. It will include details of any findings and data gathered on-site.

This type of work can be conducted at any time of year. Call us on 01865893346 or talk to our team today.

Expert evaluation from licenced ecological consultants

The report also helps to determine what can be done to avoid biodiversity loss. The EcIA report can be shared with stakeholders and third parties to ensure the best chance of your project going ahead.

If necessary, Ecology by Design can provide mitigation services to offset any biodiversity loss your project may cause.

What is the difference between an ecological impact assessment and an environmental impact assessment?

An ecological impact assessment is not the same as an environmental impact assessment. An ecological impact assessment may be included in a larger Environmental Statement, which forms part of an Environmental Impact Assessment.

What is an ecological impact assessment?

An Ecological Impact Assessment is an essential document that assesses the impact a proposed development will have on local habitats and the environment. You will need to contact a licenced ecological consultancy to conduct one onsite. An EcIA is commonly requested by construction companies, developers and local authorities before any work can begin on a project. This can include:

  • Residential construction projects;

  • Residential regeneration projects;

  • Retail and leisure development;

  • Wind farms;

  • Roads;

  • Pipelines;

and other infrastructure that involves multiple consultants where ecological legislation must be considered.

Examples of ecological impact

If an ecologist were to find any protected species present on-site, or a notable habitat of any kind, and they could not be avoided from harm then this would be considered as an environmental impact. This is because any work onsite could disrupt, disturb or damage an existing habitat or biodiverse area. In this case, then mitigation or avoidance would be needed in order for the project to go ahead.

Read more about the EcIA guidelines.

EcIA process explained

The steps an ecological impact assessment (EcIA) must include are:

Step 1

Scoping and data gathering – Gathering information on the proposed development, the site's existing ecology and the relevant legislation, rules or guidelines. Scorpion reports and establish key ecological receptors and form the baseline from which the assessment should be made.

Step 2

A preliminary ecological appraisal survey to identify and evaluate the main habitat types on the site and the presence or potential presence of protected species on site. Detailed protected species surveys if the scoping exercise reveals a need.

Step 3

Evaluation of the site's nature conservation value, the habitats and species it contains, scaled from negligible to 'international importance'.

Step 4

Impact assessments that interpret the survey data to identify any habitat loss, its magnitude and significance.

Step 5

Mitigation – Mitigation strategies and measures are designed to avoid, reduce or compensate for identified impacts. This helps to ensure legislative compliance. It may involve on or offsite biodiversity offsetting to address biodiversity loss.

Step 6

Residual impacts – looking at the effect the development as a whole has on biodiversity, assessing the proposal bearing mitigation in mind to figure out the final 'residual' impact.

Step 7

Creating an Ecological Impact Assessment report that gives the stakeholders all the information they need about the ecological impact of the development. This report provides vital information to all stakeholders including local interest groups.



The Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) covers England and Wales, protecting the interests of our wildlife and the environments it depends upon. This includes the protection of wild birds, their eggs and nests, other animals and plants and protected areas including statutory sites.

More or less every development and construction project impacts the natural environment in one way or another, whether it's urban, suburban or rural. An Ecological Impact Assessment examines, reviews and makes recommendations so your organisation can conserve and protect the wildlife that lives on the site you intend to develop, while staying within the law.

What do we do?

Our experienced team covers every aspect of Ecological Impact Assessments, including collecting and reviewing baseline survey data from survey reports and data provided by stakeholders.

We consult with nature conservation stakeholders to ensure the scope of the assessment is correct. We evaluate on-site ecological resources to a geographical scale, examining local value, county value and national value. We identify any potential impacts and design avoidance and mitigation measures, assessing any residual post-mitigation effects. We consider the need for extra compensation, considering any ‘in combination’ effects that arise from other nearby projects. And we produce both stand-alone Ecological Impact Assessments and ecology chapters for full Environmental Impact Assessments.

If you would like to find out how we can help you stay on the right side of the law and protect the flora and fauna that live on and around your site, we will be pleased discuss your needs with you.