Renewables, BNG, Protected Species Surveys, sHRA, HRA | Ecology by Design

Hampden House, Monument Park, Chalgrove, Oxon, OX44 7RW tel:01865893346

Solar and Battery Storage - Somerset


In February 2023 Ecology by Design were approached by a planning consultancy to provide a quotation for a proposed combined solar and battery energy storage facility (circa 8.75MW) within a c. 19ha site in Somerset. The site comprises a single field bordered by a Local Wildlife Site (LWS). The site is within the Band C Consultation Zone for Mells Valley Special Area of Conservation (SAC), a site designated for supporting an exceptional breeding population of greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum).  

Approach and Key Findings

Surveys of the site were conducted throughout March-October 2023 including an extended UKHab habitat survey and desk study, and surveys for badger, bats, breeding birds, and hazel dormouse.

A shadow Habitat Regulations Assessment (sHRA) was undertaken to assess potential impacts of the proposals on the SAC.

 The site includes the following features of interest:

• Habitats – the boundary hedgerows are Habitats of Principal Importance (HPI) and have ancient woodland indicators species present.

• Bats – Site is of County value for foraging and commuting bats on the site boundaries, including greater horseshoes which may be associated with the SAC;

• Badger – a likely main sett is present on the site boundary;

• Dormouse – a population of Local importance is present;

• Nesting birds – the field is of Local importance for breeding skylark, and boundary features support an assemblage typical of arable habitats.

 Potential Impacts

We identified that without mitigation, proposals within the site have the potential for the killing and injury of the above-mentioned species, habitat loss and habitat fragmentation. 

Dormouse were recorded nesting within deployed tubes during the first survey, immediately adjacent to the proposed access road, where hedgerow removal would be required to achieve visibility splays. We therefore raised this with the planner and identified alternatives to protect dormice and avoid the need for a mitigation licence for the species. The scheme was also designed to avoid impacts to badger within 30m of their sett.

 We reviewed the proposals to ensure a sensitive lighting and acoustic scheme would be implemented. This included incorporation of a bund with scrub planting to act as screening to protect the hedgerow, woodland and LWS on the site boundaries.

 Local landowners were consulted to secure off-site mitigation for three skylark plots to be secured for 30 years.

 We coordinated with the planners and landscape architect to include habitat creation and enhancement will be incorporated within a buffer on the boundaries of the site, included planting of screening hedgerows, scrub and trees, inclusion of bird food plots and species-rich grassland around the peripheries and beneath the panels. These proposals will ensure a Biodiversity Net Gain in excess of 10% will be achieved.

General enhancements including bird and bat boxes, and enhancements for invertebrates, were also incorporated into the scheme.


The proposals will ensure that the features of interest within the site and local landscape will be protected and enhanced.

A long-term Habitat Maintenance and Monitoring Plan will be implemented to ensure the proposed biodiversity value of the site will be realised.

More details on Habitats Regulation Assessments (HRAs) can be found on the government website here

 For further information contact:

Laura Grant BSc (Hons) MCIEEM

Associate Director, Ecology by Design Ltd

Tel: 01865 893348

Mob: 07495 00213