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Looking to

buy or sell

biodiversity credits

What is it?

The Environment Bill aims to nationally mandate a 10% biodiversity net gain on development sites.

When it comes to site developments, planning policy encourages developers and land managers to leave the biodiversity of the site in a better state than it was before. Historically, this has been assessed using solely professional judgement. However, local planning authorities (LPAs) are increasingly asking for projects to demonstrate biodiversity net gain clearly, transparently and quantitatively using a biodiversity metric.

We thrive at accounting for biodiversity on your site, however sometimes either a 10% just cannot be achieved onsite or it does not work financially. In these occasions the only approach left is to secure your gain away from your site.

At Ecology by Design we can offer a complete solution for securing gain on site or taking you through the process of securing credits off site. We offer a solution from start to finish leaving nothing unaccounted for and we work with you to ensure the best balance of biodiversity net gain and financial investment.

 How does the scheme work:



Seeking to secure an onsite

or offsite biodiversity net gain

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Offset Provider

seeking to sell biodiversity credits to buyers



 Have questions? Give us a call and we'll walk you through it.


 We can provide a complete turn key solution for either an offset provider looking to sell credits to developers or we can work with developers to offset the biodiversity impact on one of our partner offset provider sites.

Through an established network of partners we can provide a solution for you including but not limited to:

  • Establishing the biodiversity value of your site

  • Mitigating for impacts on biodiversity through advising on site design

  • calculating the loss or gain in biodiversity value from your development

  • identifying a landowner with a suitable land holding where any biodiversity loss can be offset

  • Negotiating the value of an offset and agreeing contracts

  • Creation or management of habitats for the offset

  • Auditing the offset to ensure the units are delivered

  • financial management of the offset agreement